
Hendro Darsono has died

Hendro Darsono, faithful friend of the managing blog CATATAN HENSON, LET'S LEARN ENGLISH dan SMART STEPZDOTCOM, died on June 30, 2009.

Author's "Troubleshooting Komputer", "English Proverbs and Quotations", "Kosa Kata Tiga Bahasa", "100 tanya jawab seputar Microsoft Word", and "100 tanya jawab seputar Microsoft Excel", which is a very industrious and diligent manage blog.

Although I only know him from the Internet, but as a fellow blogger who reveal about learning and tutorials for free, I often exchange thoughts through the comments and Shoutmix.

Diseases that undermine the body does not make him stop to write down the thoughts and opinions is, until the end of June 2009, he still write some articles in the blog that I visit often. Such as: Communication (Catatan Henson, 28 June 2009), The Count of Monte Cristo (LET'S LEARN ENGLISH, 27 June 2009) and Inner Power (SMART STEPZ dot COM, 28 June 2009).

Hopefully your persistence and tenacity in managing BLOG, can serve as role models and encouragement for the trigger in our instinct to create and develop as writers.

Farewell friend, I hope all the articles you write have a sheet on this virtual world, adding a sac charity for you. Hopefully, God forgive all sins, and receive all your charitable deeds.

Through this article also, I grieve with Hendro Darsono who have died. To the family that abandoned by him, nothing we can do, besides be patient and sincere.


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