
Fitness correctly

Fitness - an excellent means of healing and the formation of a beautiful figure. But abnormal behavior in the gym could negate the whole benefit of training.

"During the training step aerobics I was very thirsty. But I read, that more rapidly you will lose weight, if we conduct trainings without the water. So whether this?"

- For some reason, had the sustained view that by refusing fluids in training, you can lose weight faster. During the class, you lose water, and "weight loss" - is nothing but a loss of fluid.

Drink water during physical activity is vital. Load body reacts heat. In response to this begins sweating, cooling the body, and necessary for blood volume is reduced. During load blood supply oxygen to working muscles, but also gives to the skin. Given the lack of moisture begins now "competition for blood between the skin and muscle activity. Because of this, the heart and blood vessels work in an extremely tense mode, which adversely affects the muscles. As a result, the body is dehydrated, increased heart rate, increased body temperature. Of course, efficiency is reduced, and the exercise turns into a prison. And if the body temperature continues to rise, you may have such bad condition, like heat cramps, general overheating, and finally heat stroke.

To avoid such effects is quite simple - you should drink enough water before and during exercise. Typically, the organism itself dictates how and when to drink. But if the classes are held in hot weather or in rooms with high air temperature, it is better not to rely on thirst. A person who trains intensely and lose lots of fluids, dehydration can occur long before the time when he wants to drink. Therefore, in these cases is better to drink on a schedule: 1-2 glasses of water a half hour before classes and a few sips every 10-15 minutes during it.

"Is it true that if you train in a special neoprene belt and shorts, the fat will burn faster?"

- Belts, wraps, as well as shorts and costumes, put on workout to lose weight, are ineffective and even dangerous. Using them, you really lose weight - but only by water, not fat. These costumes hinder the evaporation of sweat, that is, do not give established during the heat load to dissipate. This reduces the body's ability to regulate temperature and can lead to dehydration. If you stand on the scales after a workout in a belt or shorts, you'll see that a certain number of lost weight. However, drinking water, you instantly make up for these losses.

"I have no time to go to the gym. Recently, I saw advertising home muscle stimulator, which is able to burn fat and strengthen muscles. Can it replace the athletic training?"

- Despite its attractiveness, electrical muscle stimulators in no way can replace the workout in the gym. They are placed on certain muscle groups and by sending a weak electric shock, make muscles contract. These devices may be helpful in restoring damaged after illness or injury of muscles - in this case, their application must agree with the doctor. But they do not create a sufficient load on the cardiovascular system and do not increase caloric expenditure.

Therefore, they are not conducive to fat burning and will not help you lose weight and create a harmoniously developed body. In addition, these devices are many contraindications: varicose disease, pregnancy, skin disease, high blood pressure and others.


jaloee said...

kalau fitness kudu rutin mas.. berhenti total jadi na bakalan endut..hehehe..

oh iye punya info software yg keren ngga :D

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