
Windows 7 will be released soon

For you who have no patience to see the look of Windows 7, a new Microsoft product. Do not worry, Microsoft has been promising the product that Windows 7 will be released on October 22 to come. Windows 7 will replace Vista, the less popular and get lots of complaints from users.

Initially, Microsoft products will be launched at the beginning of the year. However, eventually Microsoft decided Windows 7 will be issued at the time of bidding or sale is in the brisk conditions.

For Microsoft, the launch of Windows 7 has a strategic meaning. Not only to meet the market's taste has been long waiting, but also restore the sense of self-confidence after Vista reap a lot of criticism. One of them because they are too busy operation.

However, the efforts of software companies in the world is not easy. Acer is ready to head off Microsoft dominance, especially in the operating system for the netbook. Recently Acer working with Google to supply the operating system android for netbook products.

Later on 22 October should be awaited. Is Microsoft able to successfully treat and frustration of Vista customers, or more precisely the length of the list of problematic products? Wait for that date with full patience.


DataCabbitKSW said...

No need to wait to see what Windows 7 will look like. You can try it out for free. You can get it from Microsoft over at the Springboard site for Windows 7 on TechNet here http://tinyurl.com/832nco
I'm running it at home on one of my development computers. It is honestly really good. I'm anxiously awaiting October 22nd so I can get the final release.

NURA said...

salam friend,,,good ,,Im waiting too in ALJUBAIL.S.A

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