
12 tips for a healthier life by one year

Get your act together to sustainably improve your health. Go to the same date a year to see the change!

Here is a 12-step program that can be for you a step by step to a healthier life and happier.
Take the right resolution to apply the tips below and you will see a very positive development of your form in the months to come!

1. Please test your cholesterol if you have not done over the last five years. High cholesterol is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death among both men and women.

2. Give a special place for fruit and vegetables in your diet. A diet containing five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day will reduce the overall risk of cancer.

3. If you are a smoker, stop smoking. It is scientifically proven that smoking is a major cause of cancers of the lung, larynx, esophagus, mouth, pancreas, bladder and cervix. Smoking increases, in addition, your risk of contracting cardiovascular disease.

4. If you are a woman, declare war on breast cancer. Perform a monthly self-breast exam at the age of 20 years. This is the first step in screening for breast cancer in its early stages, where treatments are most effective. You must also spend clinical breast examinations. Experts generally advise women to spend this kind of review once a year from the age of 40 years and every three years between 20 and 39 years. In addition, from 40 years, you should have a mammogram once a year. If you are under 40 years but you are at risk of breast cancer than average, due, for example, your family history (your mother, your sister or your daughter was suffering from breast cancer), talk to your doctor. You may advise of mammograms before age 40.

5. Make the choice of whole grains. If, like most people, you eat a daily serving of whole grains in your diet has a deficit in this field (this corresponds to grains such as oatmeal complete, whole meal bread, and soups containing grains such as barley or brown rice, and using whole wheat flour instead of white flour in the kitchen.) Doctors recommend a daily intake of at least three servings of whole grains. Studies have shown that people who consume more whole grains have a lower risk of contracting cardiovascular disease, diabetes, digestive disorders and even certain forms of cancer.

6. Eat products containing soy such as tofu or soy milk. Studies have shown that soy proteins lower the cholesterol in the blood and the β-lipoprotein, namely "bad" cholesterol, which reduces your risk of contracting cardiovascular disease.

7. Limit your alcohol consumption. A recent study showed that women who drank two to five alcoholic drinks a day increased their risk of breast cancer by 41%. Excess alcohol also increases the risk of colon cancer, rectal cancer, stroke, osteoporosis, liver disease and increased blood pressure. To your health, you should not consume more than one glass of alcohol per day.

8. Ask your doctor to prescribe a screening test for type 2 diabetes. It is possible to perform a test to determine your blood sugar to detect a possible diabetes, chronic and common mortal (normal level is between 70 and 120 mg / dl, and any level must be the subject of medical consultation).

9. Stimulate your brain capacity. If you work in the figures, try to have leisure activities that have nothing to do with numbers, such as reading, writing or painting, various activities can improve the connections between nerve cells in the brain.

10. Adjust your food portions to suit your needs. To avoid eating too much, get out your containers and give graduates to update the size of your portions.

11. Take a calcium supplement if you do not receive two to three servings daily of foods rich in calcium which your body needs. Many experts believe that the diet of many women did not contain enough calcium to protect against the fragile bones resulting from osteoporosis.

12. Know manage your stress. "Schedule at least 20 minutes of rest per day.”


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